Connect Every Day: Three ‘Dad’ Things to Do Today
Here are things you can do today to build the father-child relationship you want and your child needs.

Six Ways to be Your Child's Cheerleader
We all want our children to find a passion in life and excel — and we want to be there to cheer them in ways that truly encourage & affirm.

9 Bedtime Stories for Your Toddler
Looking for some great bedtime stories for your toddler? Check out NCF’s recommendations in this free download.

Be Present with Your Children
We dads are busy with our jobs, our hobbies, our pursuits, and we often say we’re too busy for some things that may be important to our families. So then we often pass up opportunities to be present and make a difference in our children’s lives.
6 Ways to Appreciate Your Wife for Your kids
When you appreciate your wife, you let your children know that your marriage is important, and you set a great example for them.

Daily Tips and Reminders Can Help You Be a Better Dad
Dads benefit from tips and insights about what our children need from us and how to make the most of our efforts.

Your Relationship to Your Child – Father of the Bride
Take advantage of the good times that come along with your children, and share your heart with them. Open up about the deep feelings you’ve developed through the years; communicate your most earnest desires for them; praise them for the developing character...

Family Challenges and Issues – Father of the Bride
Fatherhood has plenty of rewards and great times that come with it ... and it throws you a fair share of curve balls.

A question you should ask your kids …
A lot of dads want to connect with their kids, they just aren't sure how. The truth is, dads and kids can connect at any time — while doing dishes together, driving to soccer practice, or while running errands.

Why Great Fathering Does NOT Involve Sacrifice
“Sacrifice” isn’t the best way of describing what a dedicated father does.