Emotions / Bridge the Distance
When the kids move out, you've still got work to do. And no, it's not turning their old room into a den. You still need to find ways to connect with your young adult children. Sure, you're important, but you may have a difficult time believing it when your children are no longer around.

3 Tasks for Dads of Young Adults
As your young adult children move into the world, we've identified three areas you'll want to focus on:

When The Nest “Un-Emptys”
"He's ba-ack!"
Now, before you let out a blood-curdling, horror-movie scream, dad, there's no need to worry. We're not talking about a masked movie stalker with nine lives – though, at times, you may wonder. Nope – we're talking about your young adult child.

A Father’s Written Legacy
One question that gnaws at the gut of all fathers is this, “How can I leave a legacy for my kids?”

Willing to Change
You can reinvent your relationship with your adult children in an instant. We can learn how with help from Brenda and Jim.
Growing up, Brenda knew her father cared for her, but she always sensed that he was busy. He was a good provider and helped her with decisions, but she always felt a gnawing lack of love and attention. Something was still unresolved, and she knew she needed to talk to him about it.

Fathering Your Young Adult: Charting The Future
"Five … four … three … two … one … we have lift-off." How else can we describe it?
You've got two suitcases under your arm and you're struggling up the stairs in your daughter's new dormitory. She's already negotiated for the bottom bunk. Down the hallway, someone has cranked up their newly installed stereo. On the way in, you almost got beaned by an errant Frisbee. This will be home for the girl who used to sleep under your roof and eat in your kitchen.

College Age Children Need Dad
Prior to joining the National Center for Fathering, I worked in various capacities with students on three college and university campuses. During that time, I noticed two common struggles that should be meaningful for all fathers of young adults: One, students of all backgrounds experienced some growth anxiety and uncertainty about their future. Second, many students did not get the support they desperately needed from their fathers.