Your Dad

Your Dad's Influence: Ways to Move Forward

Your Dad's Influence: Ways to Move Forward

Here at the Center, we're very much aware that many men are uncomfortable with the idea of honoring their dads. As we hear from dads, it's clear that just about all men have things they would change about their childhood if they could — some small things, possibly some really big and painful things.

Forgiving Our Fathers

Forgiving Our Fathers

Father's Day has a way of bursting through any barriers around my heart and releasing my feelings to splash all over the page before me. A gift of a tear or two to cleanse the soul–or at least, my soul ….

Find Healing with Your Dad

Find Healing with Your Dad

Where are you in your relationship with your father? Surely some of you reading today don't want to think about your dad because there's too much pain there. Maybe you're thinking, What good would it do? Others have a good relationship with dad, but there’s a lot of room for improvement.

Learn The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers

Join 250,000 other fathers who’ve taken part in improving their children’s future success by taking part in this dynamic, research-based program.


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