Inspiring Video: Is This Your Future?
By Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Dad, do yourself a favor and watch this 3-minute video: “Beginnings. The older you get, the more rare they become.” “Endings are too often on my mind. I pray for new beginnings.” This video challenges us to think about beginnings and endings. I...

Forgiving a Dying Deadbeat Dad
by Rashad Smith "Your dad has cancer that has spread all over his body..." was the text message that I received from my sister Keisha who heard the information from our Uncle Barney who has been more than a father than Bobby could dream of. I texted back, "That's...

3 Ways to NOT Bully Your Kids
as told to Brock Griffin / fathers.com We are just finishing up National Bullying Prevention Month, and it’s definitely worth recognizing in today’s world. We would all be wise to learn more about the challenges related to bullying and find ways to be part of a...

Build (or Rebuild) Your Legacy: A Tale of Two Fathers
Dan, Jerry, and Vonnie: stories from people in hospice care that illustrate the powerful, multi-generational impact we all have as fathers.

Make Moments with Your Kids
by Ryan Nelson: I could probably father so much more effectively if I would just invite my kids alongside me as I do the things I love.

Family Background video: City Slickers ‘Best Day’
A meaningful conversation involving powerful memories of childhood ... and dads.

Your Dad's Influence: Ways to Move Forward
Here at the Center, we're very much aware that many men are uncomfortable with the idea of honoring their dads. As we hear from dads, it's clear that just about all men have things they would change about their childhood if they could — some small things, possibly some really big and painful things.

Hope Out of Tragedy: The Ultimate Overcomer
Some dads overcome huge obstacles from their past and become good fathers despite the challenges. Here’s one incredible example.

Forgiving Our Fathers
Father's Day has a way of bursting through any barriers around my heart and releasing my feelings to splash all over the page before me. A gift of a tear or two to cleanse the soul–or at least, my soul ….

Find Healing with Your Dad
Where are you in your relationship with your father? Surely some of you reading today don't want to think about your dad because there's too much pain there. Maybe you're thinking, What good would it do? Others have a good relationship with dad, but there’s a lot of room for improvement.