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Put Thanksgiving into Action

Put Thanksgiving into Action

Happy Thanksgiving, dads. This should be a great week with your family. Enjoy it! This week, we have a few simple thoughts that challenged us, and they may challenge you as well: If we’re thankful for what we have, as we should be, how can we put that gratitude into...

Teens: An Example of Fatherly Self-Control

Teens: An Example of Fatherly Self-Control

With teenagers, it’s all about who’s in control, right? But for dads, the best approach is kind of a paradox. One of the key attributes of an effective father of teenagers is self-control. It’s true. And this isn’t about teaching our teens to have self-control—though...

Growing into the Role: New Dads and Brain Research

Growing into the Role: New Dads and Brain Research

Several years back, researchers at Yale University looked at the brains of men right after their first children were born, and then again a few months later, and found some interesting results. It’s a limited study, but the scans actually showed significant biological...

Crush Your Son in Driveway Basketball

Crush Your Son in Driveway Basketball

by Jay Payleitner Dad, never let your twelve-year-old son beat you in driveway basketball. Or checkers. Or Scrabble. Or Ping-Pong. Or chess. Or anything that requires skill, knowledge, and practice. Because in just a few years, he will beat you. And that victory will...

Imperfect Dads Doing Our Best

Imperfect Dads Doing Our Best

All of us at have a collective confession to make: We’re far from perfect as fathers. That probably isn’t shocking to you. As it turns out, thinking and writing and speaking about how to be a great dad and working to help other dads is very different from...

The Very Best of Fatherhood

The Very Best of Fatherhood

For many years, the National Center co-sponsored essay contests around the country in which kids wrote about “What My Father Means to Me.” Every year the kids came up with some priceless nuggets about their dads. For us at the Center, these essays have continued to...