
What I Have Instead …

What I Have Instead …

I fantasize about the life my wife and I would have if we were free to travel wherever we wanted. If we were free to go out to dinner together, see a movie, go to museums without worrying about who is watching our children and feeling guilty for leaving. The time we would have to actually talk, share our lives, getting to know each other all over again. I imagine we would be doing so many fun and interesting things together rather than arguing over how we will figure out where to live and how to afford it while sending our kids to school for the first time. The stress of having children, trying to do what’s best for them, providing for them is a dominating force in our relationship. Without that, I can only imagine what our relationship would be like. Becoming a parent really has changed everything and there are times when I’m left wondering about all that I am missing.

The Power of WEEE!

The Power of WEEE!

Everyone has worry and fear in their lives, and as parents this worry and fear is exponentially increased. There are constant questions like, "Are my children healthy?" "Do we have enough money?" "Am I doing a good job?" The list could go on indefinitely, with the worry and anxiety becoming overwhelming at times.

When Little Hands Get in the Way

When Little Hands Get in the Way

“Daddy, can I help?”

Coming on a bright summer Saturday morning, this sweet offer from the world’s warmest toddler prompts a low rumbling sound from its target.

“Daddy, why are you growling?”

Speak Your Child’s Language

Speak Your Child’s Language

For many younger children, the language of their world is play. When fathers don't speak that language, but instead try to relate in an adult way, kids can't understand or relate, and may experience feelings of frustration, isolation, or ignorance. Sometimes fathers feel the lack of connection, too. But we can prevent it—and strengthen the bonds with our children—by learning their language of play.

Toddler Talk

Toddler Talk

If you want your toddler to learn to talk, then you better start talking … and listening … and encouraging.

Some child development experts believe that the more verbal interaction a child has during his toddler years, the better his chances are for being advanced later in life in terms of intellect, language skills, and social development. And I tend to agree.



Fathers may naturally roughhouse with their sons, but it’s good for girls, too! Through this kind of play, your kids learn some of the first lessons about loving authority.

Learn The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers

Join 250,000 other fathers who’ve taken part in improving their children’s future success by taking part in this dynamic, research-based program.


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Is Your Father an Example or a Lesson?

Is Your Father an Example or a Lesson?

All fathers start out as sons. Many of us probably didn’t even think about becoming fathers until it was just a few years or months away. But once we did start imagining ourselves as fathers, the obvious and natural role models we thought of were our dads. By that...

Daughters and the Power of Listening

Daughters and the Power of Listening

When dads and daughters get together and focus on each other, good things happen. We saw it over and over years ago when we hosted father-daughter events all over the country, and it’s a big reason why we’re starting them up again. We heard incredible stories of...

The Power of Knowing Your Child’s Needs

The Power of Knowing Your Child’s Needs

How well do you know your child's developmental milestones and progress? A study at the University of Rochester discovered that about one-third (31.2%) of parents of 9-month-olds are "clueless" about child development milestones, such as when babies talk, learn right...

Summer and Free Time

Summer and Free Time

Ahh, the sounds of summer. No, this isn't about the crack of the bat, or fireworks, or even the sizzle of the barbecue. This is about the droning whines of your offspring. Maybe this summer you've heard statements like: “Dad, There’s nothing to do around...