Fathering During the Pandemic
Gain valuable insights from Ken Canfield Ph.D., Founder and CEO of the National Center for Fathering, based on recent research.

About The Book
We believe fatherhood is one of the greatest adventures men will ever experience. Sure, there are ups and downs, and it will stretch and challenge us like few other things in life, but it also brings many opportunities to grow.
That’s how we hope you’re viewing the COVID-19 pandemic. Although we haven’t experienced anything quite like this, changes and crises are inevitable in life, and they often force us to adopt some new ways of living and relating to the people around us. Often crises are also triggers for us to realign our priorities and make sure we’re truly investing in the main things.
2020 marked 30 years since the National Center for Fathering began, and looking back, we can see many good things we have accomplished and families that have been helped, but we also know there’s another dangerous epidemic that has challenged us for decades: statistics show that fatherlessness continues to escalate, particularly in the inner cities and among the poor, and the family at large continues to decline in significant ways. Now more than ever, strong, intentional, responsible fathers, grandfathers and father figures are needed to help children thrive.
Often crises are also triggers for us to realign our priorities and make sure we’re truly investing in the main things.
About the author.

Dr. Canfield is a nationally known leader and scholar and founded the National Center for Fathering – fathers.com – in 1990. He is the author of twelve books on fathering and family life and has keynoted and presented at dozens of state and community conferences and led hundreds of seminars.
Ken R. Canfield, Ph.D.