Let’s Talk
The challenge for every dad of a daughter is to engage her in conversations that are meaningful and life-giving, especially during difficult times. Having insight into what to say and how to say it will distinguish you in building a healthy bond with your daughter.
Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters is here to help dads close the communication gap with their daughters by showing them how to listen and build trust with insights and scripted questions to move from fun get-to-know-you chats to deep discussions that dive into their daughters’ struggles, hurts, fears, and hopes.
Divided into three parts, this book begins by laying the groundwork for dads to prepare themselves to pursue their daughter’s heart, followed with interactive conversation-starters and activities to strengthen the father-daughter bond, concluding with questions for daughters to ask their dads. Filled with real-life stories, statistics, trusted advice, and hundreds of scripted questions organized by themes, Let’s Talk covers a large array of topics such as personality, future dreams, spirituality, sexuality, body image, depression, anxiety, and suicide.
This book is specifically targeted to dads, but moms, friends, family members, and anyone who wants to play a more active role in their daughter’s life will find this book valuable and insightful.
By following this practical, action-oriented playbook, dads will increase their confidence and competence as they sharpen their focus to be a dialed-in dad to their daughters.

Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
At the National Center for Fathering, Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield plays a leading role in our efforts to encourage and equip dads of daughters. Michelle is a licensed professional counselor, founder of a 9-month group forum for dads of daughters, host of a weekly “Dad Whisperer” radio program and podcast, and author of two books for dads of daughters. Find out more at drmichellewatson.com.
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Dad/Daughter Resources
Making Amends: How One Dad Did It Right
Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield answers dads who ask, “How do I make things right with my daughter? Because things between us aren’t so good.”
The FATHER Formula: 6 Things Your Daughter Needs from You
Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield provides a template for you to gauge how well you’re putting your love for your daughter into action.
Dad: Your Most Effective Tool Is Showing Up
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield – What really makes a difference in being a great dad is creating positive patterns that keep repeating over time.
Truth or Dare: 3 Questions to Ask Your Daughter
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield – Prove to yourself today that you’re a proactive dad who initiates by starting the daring conversations with your daughter.
How to Talk with Your Kids as They Process the Current Political Unrest
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield: “I hope you view the difficult and often shocking headlines and videos as opportunities to teach and connect with your children.”
The BEST Christmas Present from Dad: Put It in Writing
One of the greatest presents you can give your daughter is to affirm her through writing. – Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
10 Reasons I’m REALLY Thankful for Fathers
This Thanksgiving week, it’s fitting to let you, dads, hear from my heart about what I really think about you!
Dad, Turn Your HEART Toward Your Daughter
by Michelle Watson Canfield – A girl needs head connections with her dad in order to navigate life, but heart connections with him are vital to her ability to thrive in life.
5 Power Strategies a Dad Can Use to Lead His Daughter
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield As we all know, it can be a daunting task for dads and daughters to talk about the hard stuff, the deep stuff, the vulnerable stuff, and the complex stuff. And a lot of dads have told me they prefer to leave some of those heavier topics...
Clarify Your Vision (With Help from a Former Mob Boss)
Armin is now living every day with renewed passion for fathering and is making different decisions about what to do with his time, money, and energy now that he’s clarified his fathering vision.