Rick Wertz

Rick Wertz

Rick Wertz

Regular Contributor

Rick Wertz is a long-time friend of NCF who is founder and president of Faithful Fathering, seeking to engage dads in raising a godly generation and reinvigorate the Church on the fathering front.

He is an advocate for fathers, a popular speaker at workshops for churches and other organizations, and a certified trainer for NCF. He and Linda, his bride of 40 years, live in Sugar Land, TX.

Rick sends out weekly “Dad Talk” devotionals for dads. Find out more and sign up to receive Dad Talk here.

Articles by Rick Wertz

A Father’s Legacy is the Sum of His Choices

How to Be a Better Dad by Rick Wertz – I woke up to the reality that there are many ways dads provide for their families beyond finances.

Why Isolation Can Be Good for Fathers and Families

Why Isolation Can Be Good for Fathers and Families

There are many negative forces that have invaded our homes and threaten our children’s innocence. Maybe we need to use this season of social distancing to build a wall of protection around our families to help us get back to positive habits and reestablish right priorities.

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Learn The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers

Join 250,000 other fathers who’ve taken part in improving their children’s future success by taking part in this dynamic, research-based program.


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