Talk to Your Child (Especially Your Toddler)
Recent research found that talking is very important for helping to jump-start a little one’s brain. Those early years are critical for a child’s language development.

Real Fathering and the Glue that Holds Families Together
Isn’t that real life for dads? Accepting your role, whether you’re in the middle of a challenge or just doing what needs to be done?

Calming a Fussy Baby
Here's a big challenge for new dads: calming a fussy baby.

New Dads (and Others) Need Support
Fathers everywhere, at any stage of the fathering journey, benefit from resources and encouragement for their day-to-day challenges.

How Fatherhood Can Change You
Some recent research studies have found biological changes in new fathers — even at the hormonal and brain cell level.

Get Ready to Be a Dad with a Fathers Assembly
When my wife was pregnant, I was nervous. I knew I was on the brink of the most monumental transition in my life, and the men around me were not helping.

Can dads get the “baby blues” too?
Did your wife ever get a case of "baby blues" after having a child, or does she have them right now? She might not be alone.

Dads and Childproofing
Hollywood celebrity Matthew McConaughey recently made the following comment about his 14-month-old son, Levi: "He’s getting bigger, more fun, smarter and craftier by the day." Toddlers are great at keeping their dads very busy, and their growing craftiness can be a lot of fun, but it can also be a cause for concern because they can disappear very quickly, sometimes into very unsafe environments. Have you had that experience?

Are you (and Mom) running on empty?
One of a father's key roles, from the moment he becomes a dad, is resource management. It's part of the vital task of providing for his family.

Fathering IS Child’s Play
With fathers, sensitivity in play was the best predictor of long-term attachment, even surpassing the security that a mom provides for an infant or toddler.