The Mysterious Teenage Brain
Recent research highlighted in the Wall Street Journal sheds light on some reasons for the roller-coaster ride of adolescence–and it's all about the brain.

Great Fathers Make Good Neighbors
The teen years can be the best of times and the worst of times. At no other time in your child's life can things be more trying. One common mistake made by loving parents is that they don't give teens enough responsibility soon enough. Too often parents don't trust the values they have instilled over the years, so they attempt to force values on their children in adolescence, and the children rebel.

What Makes Your Teen Happy?
The Associated Press and MTV released the results of a poll on the nature of happiness among America’s young people—ages 13 to 24. “What makes you happy?” the poll asked. It will surprise (or shock) many that the number one response was spending time with family. Next...

How to Reinvent Government—Starting With Your Family
Do you want to raise your children with a proper view of politics? For that matter, what is a proper view of politics?

Stepfathering Adolescents: It Takes Patience, Flexibility and Humor
Pre-teen and teenage kids can pose a tremendous challenge for stepfathers. As they develop their identity and self-esteem, they are very sensitive to dramatic changes in their family structure and living situations.

Prepare To Fight Fair
The Williams family was at it again. Mom accused Dad of being rude to her that morning, and Dad denied it. His memory, he claimed, was much more accurate than hers. Mom said he was crazy—if he couldn't even remember to put up the toilet seat, how could he claim to remember the fight?! Dad exploded in anger, and mom said he was acting just like his father. Dad yelled that she was stupid and overweight.

Protecting Your Children
As fathers, we need to speak up against all inappropriate sexual behavior. It’s an important area where we need to help protect our children.

Talking With a Teenage Son
So it’s time for you to sit down and have a face-to-face chat with your teenage son. Actually, there might be a better option.
The public service announcements on television make it sound like the best approach is to just start a conversation about drugs or alcohol at the breakfast table. But most teenagers would just roll their eyes—and probably tune you out.

For Dads of Dating Daughters
It’s a scary time for dads, but it’s also a great opportunity because it forces us to address issues and questions that can be a little awkward.

Treat Your Teen with Respect
Your teenage daughter heads out the door for an evening with friends and you call out, “Have a good time.” She stops, turns around, and snaps, “How dare you tell me what to do.”