Get Out of Your Comfort Zone and Connect with Your Kids
That word “engage” has transformed who I am as a father. I keep fighting off selfishness and the desire to go back to the Comfort Zone.

11 Tips for Talking to Your Daughter About Sex
Talking with a daughter about sex might seem like a mom’s job, and that’s likely best for some conversations. But dads can play an important role too.

10 Things Your Son Needs From You
As your son grows up, no matter who enters into his life you are his main influence. Make sure you are filling that role! While we think he needs a lot more, these are our "starter" 10 Things Your Son Needs From You.

How to Make the Most of Teachable Moments
Parents seem to talk a lot about teachable moments—using situations that come our way to talk about life lessons with our kids. But how does it actually work? Not long ago we received a great example from a dad named Scott. He was out on a daddy-daughter date with his...

10 Ways to Date Your Daughter
Dad, taking your daughter on dates is one of the most important things you can do for her. These dates can shape the way that she will expect to be treated on dates when she is older. What example are you setting? Here are NCF's 10 Ways to "Date Your Daughter". Make...

Just Be Yourself, Dad
Lydia, a 10th grader, writes about her dad and demonstrates that sometimes the unexpected times together are the ones kids remember the most.

Just Be WITH Your Kids
Often, a great way to get to the hearts of dads is to share words from kids. Here’s one perspective from Myles, a 4th grader.

16 Things to NEVER Say to Your Kids
Have you ever said one of these to your kids? Dads, our words have power to tear down or build up. We can learn better ways to get the message across.

Just Improve 1%: 4 Ways to Be a Better Dad TODAY
by Justin Ricklefs This past year, 8 or 10 of us mid-30’s to mid-40’s type friends have started playing pick up basketball at 5:30 a.m. at our high school alma mater. It’s been a day I’ve looked forward to each week, a great start to my Thursday morning. But in the...

3 Tips for Dads of “Haughty” Teens
It isn’t that teens have lost their minds, or gone berserk. They’re really just figuring out what life is all about, testing what they’ve learned from Dad and Mom.