Your Marriage

Scrooge on Marriage

Scrooge on Marriage

Have you seen the most recent movie version of A Christmas Carol? I’ve seen every form of this movie with its various actors, including Patrick Stewart, Scrooge McDuck, and Bill Murray, but this one is my favorite. Visually it was stunning with the 3-D effects and cartoonish realism; definitely a theater-worthy movie.

3 Tips for Understanding Your Wife

3 Tips for Understanding Your Wife

Do you fully appreciate the benefits your children's mother brings to their lives — and your life? It's no revelation that women are different from men in many ways. Often, those differences can be sources of conflict, and those differences involve much more than where one squeezes the toothpaste. Having children really brings these differences to the surface, whether it's how you approach discipline, household tasks for the kids, or your time commitment to work and family.

What will your child’s marriage look like?

What will your child’s marriage look like?

The current generation of fathers has been decimated by the tragedy of divorce. Many men saw their parents divorce, and some have been through a divorce themselves. These men have often told us that they wish they had seen a good marriage in action when they were young. They had a deep desire to see a committed, loving relationship between the two people they loved the most, and they are still missing that model now that they have children of their own.

Prepare To Fight Fair

Prepare To Fight Fair

The Williams family was at it again. Mom accused Dad of being rude to her that morning, and Dad denied it. His memory, he claimed, was much more accurate than hers. Mom said he was crazy—if he couldn't even remember to put up the toilet seat, how could he claim to remember the fight?! Dad exploded in anger, and mom said he was acting just like his father. Dad yelled that she was stupid and overweight.

Great Dates (even for busy parents)

Great Dates (even for busy parents)

Remember your dating days—those long walks, romantic dinners, and intimate conversations that were the milestones of falling in love? Those moments full of emotion and closeness became the foundation for your marriage relationship.

Marital Interaction

Marital Interaction

One of the best things a father can do for his kids is love their mother and build a strong marriage. The effort you put into your marriage is worth it to your children.

Write Notes to Your Wife

Write Notes to Your Wife

No argument, communication is the lifeblood of a marriage. But for some men, the notion of sitting down for some extended sharing time with their wives is intimidating. Not that we have an excuse—our wives need to hear from us often about our lifelong devotion to them.

Learn The 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers

Join 250,000 other fathers who’ve taken part in improving their children’s future success by taking part in this dynamic, research-based program.


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Honoring Your Dad is a Privilege

Honoring Your Dad is a Privilege

The U.S. Census Bureau regularly releases interesting statistics related to various holidays. For Father's Day, many of them focus on gifts to get for a dad: As of 2021, there were 6,000 men's clothing stores in the United States, 15,000 hardware stores, and 20,000...

3 Reasons to Honor Moms

3 Reasons to Honor Moms

by Dr. Ken Canfield Dads, you’re ready to honor your mother and your children’s mother this Sunday ... aren’t you? I hope Mother’s Day is something you throw yourself into, because moms deserve it—and it’s good for us and for our kids. By now you have probably made...

Ways to Fight Fathering Commitment Erosion

Ways to Fight Fathering Commitment Erosion

How do you maintain your motivation and commitment as a dad? According to our own research on fatherhood, high commitment is the number-one sign or predictor of an effective father. And if you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance that describes you—you’re a...