Young Adults

Welcoming Young Dads to the Fatherhood Party

Welcoming Young Dads to the Fatherhood Party

In the mid-1990's, I was a dad of a teenage daughter and three other children under ten. Through my involvement in various fatherhood events in the Seattle area, I heard about the "Welcome To Fatherhood Party" from a dad named Griggs Irving. The idea came to him when his 32-year-old daughter was happily planning for a baby shower and his fatherly thoughts turned towards his son-in-law. What about Steve? He’s about to be a new dad. What could be done for him? he thought.

Always a Father

Always a Father

Once a father, always a father. That statement summarizes my challenge for the veteran dads out there.

A while back I got a phone call from a man named Paul. Paul's son Matthew is married and working for a grocery broker in Wichita. His daughter Linda is in her senior year at Baylor. Paul was helping to organize one of our seminars in his city, and actively encouraged all the young fathers by saying, "You guys need to hear this stuff. Trial and error is no way to learn how to father. Let me tell you, I know."

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