Nurturing Daughters

More and more research is finding that “a key component of a woman’s sense of worth is rooted in her experience with her father.” 

Cute little girls just love to be hugged by their daddies. It’s nurturing at its best. Yet before you know it, she has become more than cute — more like a woman. Suddenly, nurturing her isn’t so easy, more like scary. 

Set aside all the incest cases you’ve heard about. It’s important that you find a comfortable, appropriate way to continue demonstrating physical affection to your maturing daughter. Kisses to her forehead. A side-by-side arm around her shoulder. A squeeze of her hand. If you withdraw completely, she’ll think you don’t care or that something is wrong with her. 

Be especially supportive verbally during this stage, when she is particularly sensitive about her developing body. Making jokes is never harmless; she will always wonder what you really meant, and she may develop an attitude of anxiety concerning her appearance. 

As her father, you are like her first boyfriend. You play a large role in showing her what a proper, respectful response sounds and feels like. 

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