The Power of WEEE!

Everyone has worry and fear in their lives, and as parents this worry and fear is exponentially increased. There are constant questions like, “Are my children healthy?” “Do we have enough money?” “Am I doing a good job?” The list could go on indefinitely, with the worry and anxiety becoming overwhelming at times.

In these times, we look for someone or something to put us in balance. Inevitably, for me, my counterbalance is my wife and our kids. In particular, our kids have the uncanny ability to bring healing and resolution.

Recently, our family experienced a medical scare that had my wife and me in almost complete emotional paralysis. It seemed as though we were just going through the motions of life, each day a tidal wave of emotions that left us completely drained at the day’s end.

For that challenge and many others, our children have proved to be our cure. One morning I was at work there in my office at home, when I was interrupted by jubilant sounds of laughter and excitement—something I had not heard in my house for days.

The sounds led me to our backyard, where my kids were feverishly swinging aboard our play set, my son and daughter in tandem aboard their respective swings, with my wife positioned behind our son, offering her hand as momentum.

As I entered into their view my daughter exclaimed, “Come on, Daddy! Come swing with us!” That was followed by an almost simultaneous proclamation by all: “WEEE!”

My wife Amberley joined their request: “Yeah, come on, Daddy, come swing with us!” Her “WEEE” was the loudest and most comforting, for it had been a few days since I’d witnessed her laughter and smile.

Since that moment, everything has worked itself out and things are pretty much back to normal—or maybe it was my perspective that changed. Amberley and I still talk about that afternoon and how the kids gave us a chance to let it all go and enjoy each other. It took the “Power of WEEE” to regain our perspective.

Children can be our greatest teachers and healers, teaching us never to take ourselves too seriously and healing us through their laughter and snuggles. They share with us the secrets they hold in their youth that are soon forgotten with age.

Our kids taught us the Power of WEEE. They showed us that there are moments when the remedy for even the greatest of ailments is to grab life by its handles and cry out, “WEEE!”


Joshua Johnson is a freelance writer known for his satirical style of writing about parenthood, marriage and life itself. Writing for magazines and newspapers throughout the country, Joshua has gained a global following of avid fans. Joshua also has years of experience as a technical writer. He lives in Louisiana with his wife Amberley and their three children.

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