Here are things you can do today to build the father-child relationship you want and your child needs.

Here are things you can do today to build the father-child relationship you want and your child needs.
We all want our children to find a passion in life and excel — and we want to be there to cheer them in ways that truly encourage & affirm.
Looking for some great bedtime stories for your toddler? Check out NCF’s recommendations in this free download.
We dads are busy with our jobs, our hobbies, our pursuits, and we often say we’re too busy for some things that may be important to our families. So then we often pass up opportunities to be present and make a difference in our children’s lives.
When you appreciate your wife, you let your children know that your marriage is important, and you set a great example for them.
Dads benefit from tips and insights about what our children need from us and how to make the most of our efforts.
Take advantage of the good times that come along with your children, and share your heart with them. Open up about the deep feelings you’ve developed through the years; communicate your most earnest desires for them; praise them for the developing character...
Fatherhood has plenty of rewards and great times that come with it ... and it throws you a fair share of curve balls.
A lot of dads want to connect with their kids, they just aren't sure how. The truth is, dads and kids can connect at any time — while doing dishes together, driving to soccer practice, or while running errands.
“Sacrifice” isn’t the best way of describing what a dedicated father does.
How engaged are today's fathers? Recent data analysis from the Pew Research Center is encouraging … and discouraging.
The movie doesn’t open in theaters until the end of September, but there’s a buzz about Courageous — and that’s appropriate as we approach Father’s Day. The movie, from the producers of Fireproof and Facing the Giants, follows the stories of five different dads and the challenges they face, and challenges all dads to raise their level of commitment and become the fathers their children need.
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Dad, while you’re in the middle of dashing around as a busy dad, I want to provide some perspective and an important reminder: Fathering is a marathon. Being a good dad is a distance run. It’s a long, trying journey and we must be disciplined if...
When it comes to your kids, dad, What do you expect? We’ve often heard comments like these from grown sons and daughters: “My brother was an all-state quarterback, but I played tennis, and I never quite measured up for my dad.” “I made a B average in school, but Daddy...
Your Valentine’s Day shopping and planning for your wife is surely well under way, if not complete—and that’s good! Some may view this "holiday" as just another excuse for greeting card and flower companies to make money—as well as jewelry, candy and clothing...
Dad, are you really plugged into what’s going on in your children’s lives? Do you have a good handle on what happens in their typical day, who is influencing them, and how they are processing the things they see and hear? In today’s world these can be unsettling...
by Dr. Ken Canfield Dad, are you instilling in your children a strong “internal locus of control”? You’re probably thinking, What does that mean? And I get it. It’s a term that I’ve come across as a researcher from time to time through the years. Some years ago, one...
by Donald Calkins That’s right, dad. Your children believe the world revolves around you; they see you as holding the universe in your hands. While that may be exaggerated, the truth is that most dads have extraordinary influence over their children. I remember going...
Dad, what will it take to make this year the best ever for you and your kids? The media has a New Year tradition of remembering well-known people who died during the past year. A few years back, one of those people was a man who really seemed to “get it” as a father,...
by Michelle Watson Canfield, PhD, LPC One December back in the late 60s, a father-daughter tradition began. One afternoon, my father drove my younger sister and me—seven and five at the time—two hours away in our turquoise station wagon to cut down our family...
by Matt Haviland If the holiday season ushers in an assortment of emotions to most people, that’s even more true for single dads this time of year. Joy, laughter, and anticipation may be at the forefront. What about dread, anxiety, or doubt? “Yes” to all of the above,...
How do you decide what gifts to give your children this time of year? Maybe your family has settled into an annual routine that seems to work pretty well. Maybe the kids create lists to help you know what they want. Maybe most of the gifts have already been bought...
What’s the secret ingredient of good fathering? And maybe more importantly for many dads: What can you do if you never saw that kind of father as you grew up? Jeff is a committed dad who has a great perspective on fathering. He’s passionate about being the dad his two...
by Ron Nichols There’s a common expression that we use all the time. It’s pretty harmless in itself, but as fathers we need to think differently with it. It’s the simple concept of spending time. We always say, “I spent a lot of time on that project,” or, “I spent 20...