Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield
Father/Daughter, Regular Contributor
At the National Center for Fathering, Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield plays a leading role in our efforts to encourage and equip dads of daughters. She regularly writes insightful articles (see below) and co-chairs NCF’s Father-Daughter Initiative with her husband, Dr. Ken Canfield. Dr. Michelle is a licensed professional counselor of more than 25 years in Portland, Oregon, founder of The Abba Project, a 9-month group forum for dads of daughters (ages 13 to 30), and author of Let’s Talk: Conversation Starters for Dads and Daughters and Dad, Here’s What I Really Need from You: A Guide for Connecting with Your Daughter’s Heart (both available on Amazon and Audible). She also hosts a weekly radio program/podcast in Portland called “The Dad Whisperer,” which you can access on her website and on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, and Google Play Music. Visit drmichellewatson.com for more information and to sign up for her weekly Dad-Daughter Friday blogs. You can also follow or send feedback on Facebook and Twitter.
See Dr. Michelle’s articles for dads below …
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Recent Articles by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield

Dad, Turn Your HEART Toward Your Daughter
by Michelle Watson Canfield – A girl needs head connections with her dad in order to navigate life, but heart connections with him are vital to her ability to thrive in life.

5 Power Strategies a Dad Can Use to Lead His Daughter
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield As we all know, it can be a daunting task for dads and daughters to talk about the...

Clarify Your Vision (With Help from a Former Mob Boss)
Armin is now living every day with renewed passion for fathering and is making different decisions about what to do with his time, money, and energy now that he’s clarified his fathering vision.

For Dads at Home: 3 Ways to Check Your Anger at the Door
Feeling anger or frustration isn’t the problem. It’s what you do with those emotions that’s key.

How to Raise a World-Changing Daughter
Dad, if you want to raise a confident daughter who believes in herself and steps forward to change the world around her for good, be assured that you are part of that equation and your input really does matter.

Speak to Your Daughter’s Heart
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield – “Every single girl is interpreting every single interaction, good or bad, between her and her dad.”

Be a Life-giving Voice in Her Head
by Michelle Watson Canfield: As her dad, your words can either suck life out of her or they can breathe life into her. It’s your choice.

Let Your Kids Hop on Pop: 8 Lessons for Fathers from Dr. Seuss
by Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC As we all know, in just about any profession there are brilliant and skilled doctors who...

Messages on Mirrors: One Great Way to Affirm Your Daughter
by Michelle Watson, PhD, LPC I forget what age I was when I heard my first nursery rhyme, but there is one in...

Dial In with Your Daughter: 10 Things NOT to Do
Here are ten landmines to avoid if you want to raise a healthy, vibrant, loving, and spirited daughter. Think of these as a field training manual to support your deep desire to truly dial in to your daughter’s heart.