Nurturing Daughters

More and more research is finding that “a key component of a woman’s sense of worth is rooted in her experience with her father.”  Cute little girls just love to be hugged by their daddies. It’s nurturing at its best. Yet before you know it, she has become more than...

Value Your Daughters’ Opinions

Nicole Gallagher was the behind-the-scenes producer for ABC News’s American Agenda. I got to know her over the phone when she was working on a piece that focused on fathering.  From our first conversation, I knew this woman had a high sense of self-esteem and a...

Daughters and Sports

Here’s something that some dads rarely consider. Daughters can be athletes, too! As a matter of fact, girls need to learn about teamwork, good sportsmanship and the thrill of victory just as much as boys.  According to a recent article in the Kansas City Star, high...
A Father’s Heart for Daughters

A Father’s Heart for Daughters

There are a lot of reasons for you to be a loving father to your daughter. She’ll have a more positive view of men in general. More self-esteem as a woman. She’s more likely to stay sexually pure until marriage and have a healthier view of sexuality.  But, today,...
A (Re)Vision for Fathers & Society

A (Re)Vision for Fathers & Society

by Dr. Ken Canfield I believe it’s good to plan for the future as fathers so we’re better prepared for the changes and challenges that our kids will bring our way. It’s also good to have dreams and aspirations for what we want to be, like setting high goals that...