Fathering is a Marathon: Embrace the Journey
Dad, be prepared to navigate the challenges of the journey with a lifelong commitment so you can thrive at every stage of your child’s life.

Everyday Heroes: Dads Have Superpowers!
We fathers have a unique and profound impact on our children’s lives. Everyday investments and interactions help to shape their beliefs and values.

Make Every Day Count: A New Year of Fathering
Make this year a meaningful one with your children. Prioritize time with them and create positive daily routines to help you build strong bonds.

From Duty to Delight: Transforming Your Fatherhood
Committed dads embrace their role as a privilege, not an obligation. Shift your mindset and become a more engaged and positive father.

Keep Using Your Unique, Mysterious Secrets with Your Kids
Some fathering practices are distinctive to you and your kids, and somehow they just work. Even simple rituals can strengthen your bond with them.

Three Responsibilities of a Father
What should a committed father do? Jeff Hamilton suggests all dads focus on three areas to help equip their kids for life.

The Myth of Quality Time
To a child, any time can be quality time. As dads, we need to relish every moment and every opportunity to connect with our kids.

4 Habits of Dads Who GET IT
Some men just seem to know how to be great dads. How do we know? Here are four habits that showed up again and again in interviews.

A New Life and a Vote for the Future
A new baby is a reminder to step back and see our children as precious gifts, and invest ourselves with great commitment and humility.

Father’s Day: Your Kids Are Worth Your Very Best
It’s great to be honored on Father’s Day, and it’s even better if it’s also a time to connect with your kids and recommit to your role.