Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads
As dads, we play a crucial role in shaping our children’s character. We can nurture compassion, a culture of giving, and a desire to make a difference.

Back to School: Embrace Your Role as a Dad
Back-to-school time should be a recommitment for dads — an opportunity to make big investments of encouragement in our kids.

Dad: Harness the Power of Sibling Competition
Jay Payleitner: Dad, you can use competition between your kids to help shape and motivate them. (And to get things done.)

A New School Year: 3 Tips for Dads
Your children will mature and be shaped in incredible ways over the coming months, and your involvement can help set them up for success.

Teaching Your Kids to Drive – and Other Skills
If we aren’t careful, this big moment in a child’s life can become a big conflict. 7 tips for dads in the passenger seat … and beyond.

How to Talk with Your Kids as They Process the Current Political Unrest
by Dr. Michelle Watson Canfield: “I hope you view the difficult and often shocking headlines and videos as opportunities to teach and connect with your children.”

Dads: Apply Business Principles at Home During the Corona Quarantine
Dads, you can view this quarantine time as a problem, or you can be proactive and make the most of the time you’ve been given at home with your family.

Are You Preparing Kids for College … or Life? 7 Questions.
The leader of one private school believes that getting your kids into a good college should be the least of your concerns …

Bridging the Gap
You don't have to wait for a new school year to try something new with the students in your life. Here are five ways to build on what your children are learning in school.

Teaching Kids About Money
Teaching your children about financial responsibility is one of the most important lifelong lessons you can give - and one that may not be effectively taught in school. Consider these suggestions to improve the financial savvy of your kids.