Dad Hacks: Use These, Share Yours
Dads can use tips and tricks to make our demanding role a little easier. Some are practical and everyday, and others more serious and life-changing.

A New Life and a Vote for the Future
A new baby is a reminder to step back and see our children as precious gifts, and invest ourselves with great commitment and humility.

New Dad Feels: Enthusiasm and Cost
There’s a lot that happens to us when we become dads, including some feelings and adjustments that are unique to fatherhood.

Questions to Help Dads Connect Heritage & Legacy
As dads, our present and future are critically linked to our past. Use these questions to gain perspective on your fathering.

Dad Tucks In
by Jay Payleitner: The benefits are many. Mom gets a break. Dad gets a clear assignment and a daily chance to spend one-on-one time.

The Power of Knowing Your Child’s Needs
When we are more aware of our children’s developmental needs, we’re more motivated to encourage them and more likely to enjoy time together.

Your Fathering Journey in 6 Stages
Fatherhood is a marathon, and there is great value in stepping back and looking at being a dad from a bigger-picture perspective.

A Gift for Your Ten-Year-Old
by Jay Payleitner: When a child learns one of these household maneuvers, they feel like they’ve been invited into the inner circle.

“I Want to Know About Fatherhood”
Children don’t just change your life; they totally transform it. They give you a new perspective on everything.

How to Bond with Your Baby
Make sure you don’t miss out on those early days, dads. This is where you start habits that will serve you well through the years.