Non-custodial Dad

Making the Most of Long-Distance Fathering

Making the Most of Long-Distance Fathering

One summer, pitcher Terry Mulholland was selected as the starting pitcher for the National League in the All-Star Game. Mulholland planned to reject the invitation and pass up a chance to pitch in the summer classic. Why? Because Terry is also a father. He's a long-distance dad who saw the three-day break as a chance to catch up with his young son, Tyler. They'd planned a father-son fishing trip, and Terry was determined to keep his word. As it turned out, Mulholland's manager gave him another day off, so he was able to pitch in the game and then fly to Arizona to take Tyler fishing.

Daddy's Dream

Daddy's Dream

A letter from a dad named Monty has touched on a rather challenging dilemma for the National Center for Fathering: how can we talk and write about healthy fathering when so many dads out there rarely even have the opportunity to be an effective father?

NOT Deadbeats … HEARTbeats

NOT Deadbeats … HEARTbeats

Several years ago in Louisiana, there was an ongoing policy debate about the "Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of Louisiana," which proposed prosecuting and imprisoning parents—usually dads—who are behind in their child support payments. Opponents of the bill asserted that, in many ways, it would only make things worse for those dads by further hindering their ability to earn an income and separating them from their children. They also pointed out that it would be an extra burden on the state.

Single Dads and Communication

Single Dads and Communication

For single dads it's easy for long-distance phone conversations to slip into "Uncle Dad" questions: "How are things going?" "Fine." "What have you been up to?" "Oh, you know. School and stuff." "How's your sister?" "Fine." "Well, it's been great talking to you."

Links for Legal and Custody Issues

Links for Legal and Custody Issues

We recognize there is a great need among fathers who face challenges related to visitation and custody, but we are not equipped to help with these kinds of issues. This page has many links and resources where you're more likely to find the help that you need, but we urge you to proceed with caution. It is our sincere desire that they can help you, but we are not familiar with all of them, and this listing should not be seen as an endorsement of everything you find at their websites or in their resources.

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Honoring Your Dad is a Privilege

Honoring Your Dad is a Privilege

The U.S. Census Bureau regularly releases interesting statistics related to various holidays. For Father's Day, many of them focus on gifts to get for a dad: As of 2021, there were 6,000 men's clothing stores in the United States, 15,000 hardware stores, and 20,000...

3 Reasons to Honor Moms

3 Reasons to Honor Moms

by Dr. Ken Canfield Dads, you’re ready to honor your mother and your children’s mother this Sunday ... aren’t you? I hope Mother’s Day is something you throw yourself into, because moms deserve it—and it’s good for us and for our kids. By now you have probably made...

Ways to Fight Fathering Commitment Erosion

Ways to Fight Fathering Commitment Erosion

How do you maintain your motivation and commitment as a dad? According to our own research on fatherhood, high commitment is the number-one sign or predictor of an effective father. And if you’re reading this, then there’s a good chance that describes you—you’re a...