When you appreciate your wife, you let your children know that your marriage is important, and you set a great example for them.

Ways to Honor Mom – the Real MVP
Have you and your kids been busy making plans and arrangements to make Sunday a special day? Mother's Day is an opportunity to honor one of the most important contributors within the family: our mothers and our children’s mothers. You’ve probably heard calculations...

Your Relationship to Your Child’s Mother – Reflections from When Harry Met Sally
Older couples talk about their memories and lives together. (A nice feature from the movie that not many people probably remember.)

Your Relationship to Your Child’s Mother: “Dancing in the Minefields”
Music video of the song by Andrew Peterson. “It was harder than we dreamed, but I believe that’s what the promise is for.”

Video / Your Relationship to Your Child’s Mother – Fireproof: Salt and Pepper
An object lesson about being committed to your spouse “for better or for worse ...” Do you need to recapture that sense of lifelong commitment in your marriage?

The Dad/Mom Team and Partnership Video – Everybody Loves Raymond
At its best, parenting is a partnership, where mom and dad work together to bring about what’s best for the kids ...

Video / Your Relationship to Your Child’s Mother – Fireproof: Fight Scene
Does this scene ring true in your marriage? Marriage is difficult. It’s made up of two very different people who don’t always see eye-to-eye. It takes a lot of work and sacrifice! But it’s worth working on—for yourself and for your children.

Are you doing your ‘fair share’ at home?
1,200 married moms were polled about their parenting habits, focusing on how they share responsibilities with their spouses. The headline was an attention-grabber: “Working and Stay-at-Home Mothers Feel Like ‘Married Single Moms.'”

Family Dynamics in a Tough Economy
If we’re taking lemons and making lemonade, what silver lining can we find about a dad being out of work or underemployed?

The Best Gift for Your Wife
How many ads for chocolate, flowers, jewelers and restaurants have you seen or heard during the few weeks leading up to Valentine's Day? Some of us would do well to invest in those items and opportunities to help demonstrate love to our wives.

Is your marriage “good enough”?
Author Elizabeth Marquardt recently wrote about the importance of marriage for children, based on extensive research. Specifically, she addressed the questions, "Should parents stay married for the children?" And, "Is a 'good enough' marriage good for kids?" Her answer might be eye-opening or even controversial to some: In many cases, "yes."

A Video that Could Change Your Marriage
Do you ever feel like your marriage has become a minefield? Sometimes we get off track with our wives, and the smallest things can cause tension and separation. Too often, couples get caught up in the distractions of life and lose track of each other — and, as identified by our research, loving your children's mother is a key fundamental of Championship Fathering.
Welcome to the fathers.com fathering library.

Consistent Fathering: A Steady Hand in a Stormy World
by Dr. Ken Canfield Don’t worry. This isn’t about politics. It’s about being a father. The election is over and we’re all left to deal with it, whether we’re happy, a little angry, or mostly indifferent about the results. Maybe our lives will be significantly...

Dad: Water Your Daughter’s Heart with Positive Words
by Michelle Watson Canfield, PhD, LPC Dad, how powerful are your words in your daughter’s life? As you might suspect, I believe they are extremely important. Like a plant needs water, your girl needs your encouragement and affirmation. Allow me to illustrate further...

5 Ways Dads Can Protect Their Kids from Digital Dangers
by David Tucker - Founder, DigitalParenting.com We are bombarded with new studies almost daily illustrating how technology can have life-altering adverse effects on our children. From distraction and depression to predators and pornography, technology has evolved into...

Instilling Generosity in Our Kids: Strategies for Dads
by Dr. Ken Canfield Here in the middle of October, it’s evident in many American stores that we’ve already entered the holiday season. Halloween decorations are up for some, and Christmas products have been on display for several weeks now. This is an early heads-up...

Raising a Future Adult: 3 Ideas for Dads
Dad, if your kids are still pretty young, we have some news for you: They grow up. Some dads of teenagers and adult children would tell you that this is bad news, because a young-adult child is causing them a lot of worry and stress. Other dads would say kids growing...

Keep Using Your Unique, Mysterious Secrets with Your Kids
by Ken Canfield, Ph.D. Last week’s blog provided you with “dad hacks” that some fathers use to make their lives easier and connect with their kids. I trust at least some of them were helpful to you or at least caused you to do some deeper thinking or brainstorming. It...

Dad Hacks: Use These, Share Yours
Many of our best insights here at NCF are research-based. We often talk about the I-CANs or the 7 Secrets of Effective Fathers, and much of what you’ll see at fathers.com is based on those frameworks and the fathering practices associated with them. We also regularly...

Three Responsibilities of a Father
by Jeff Hamilton, founder of Dad Academy® The responsibilities of being a father are more than just what you are able to provide financially or support emotionally. Research proves the importance of a father’s presence in a child’s life. Beyond being present, a...

Fit Fatherhood: Inspiring a Healthy Lifestyle for Our Kids
Disclaimer: At fathers.com, we are not fitness experts. It isn't our main focus or calling. However, maybe a lot of us would benefit from occasional reminders about taking our physical well-being seriously as dads. Of course, good health may not be the most important...

Single Fathers: 3 Do’s and 2 Don’ts
by Matt Haviland Early in my years as a single father, I was invited by another man at work to join a small group of guys he was hosting. Immediately I felt out of place: I was the youngest guy in the group, I was the only single father, and compared to the other...

Back to School: Embrace Your Role as a Dad
Maybe your kids just started school a few days ago, or maybe where you are they start in the coming weeks. It’s a big deal for them, and it impacts the entire family. For kids, a new school year means new teachers, new classrooms, and new responsibilities. Sometimes...

Know When to Pick Your Battles, Dad
by Jay Payleitner Our kids were not fussy eaters. But one of them really, really didn’t like asparagus. Actually, none of the kids liked asparagus. But during one particular dinner, that one particular 8-year-old let it be known that there was no way he was going to...